Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still doing the P90X

Ok, I have officially finished day 8 of the program. Pretty darn good for me. I'm not near as sore as the first week so I am hoping that is a good thing. I finally got enough nerve to take my before pictures. I know I should have done it before I started, but it took me this long to be brave enough to ask Bill for help. Luckily, he didn't make fun of me. I am determined to see this through. It is more fun than most programs because no day is the same and I don't have to see other people and most importantly other people don't have to see me. I do feel like a wounded pelican doing some of the exercises. Graceful is not my middle name, but I did notice that the second time around, I could do more of the exercises longer. "At least I am trying" that is my motto!!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah you keep it up!

    If you want to see not graceful you should see the ferret go down the stairs :p I bet that would make you feel better!
