Sunday, October 25, 2009

Quiet Morning

Gosh, I didn't realize that it had been so long since I had written. My "me time" has been slim to none lately, but it is quiet now. Jay and Christina spent last weekend with us. Christina had to take her P-CAT for pharmacy school and Jay brought her to town. They spent saturday night with us then we headed to Bill's family reunion on sunday. MAN, it was seriously cold and windy. Here is one of my favorite pics from last sunday . . .

I don't care if I am his Mom, they are pretty! We were at Oak Mountain and the wind was just plain wickedly cold. I worried about Bill's Mom getting too cold, but she left early.

Bill and I have his daughter and her husband with us this weekend. Got to love football season, we have guest. We have had a lot of fun. We all went to eat at Mexican restaurant on friday night to celebrate Bill's 65th birthday. Here is my absolutely most favorite picture, I call it "Birthday Bill"!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Typing is no longer fun

Since I started working another part-time job where all I do is type, I am not enjoying the computer blogging as much as I once did. Everyday I rush home from school and start working on entering data. The money is fun but the total lack of TIME is not fun at all. There seems to be no time to breath and with the holiday season fast approaching, I'm not sure how I'm going to do everything.
Okay, enough complaining, the money is good and Bill is definately helping by doing more than his share of data entry.

The rain is still falling and more is in the forecast for through the weekend. The sun is actually out with now but I think that just irritates the rain.

Bill's daughter and son-in-law are coming up for the weekend. It is weird having people in the house. Bill and I are use to it just being us.

Got to head off to school. More later . . . .

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I wrote. The start of school makes a huge difference in my computer time. Bill is the computer whiz at our house and the only time I have to write is early in the mornings and that time is short and precious with the start of school.

Speaking of school, I have survived the first two weeks. The first week is always one of two things; (1) a lot of children screaming or (2) dead silence. This year I was lucky to have #2! It seems most of my little ones were scared (seriously, no one is ever scared of me!). But unfortunately, week 2 started and now the fun has begun. I am extremely lucky this year, all my students speak English and they all love to come to school. I would love to post photos of them but it is against all the rules so you will just have to believe me when I tell you they are dolls! I have a big class this year, 4 girls and 6 boys. I may add another student (a girl I think) in a week or so. They are very energetic and the best part is the parents so far seem really great. I only have one who may turn out to be a handful, but I think it will be okay.

Bill and I spent a wonderful Labor Day weekend at the lake. We arrived on Friday afternoon and worked in the yard. After dinner a neighbor came by and we all went out for a sunset cruise in their boat. Saturday was a total wash out with all the rain but Bill and spent the evening watching Alabama football, so it was perfect. Jay and Christina joined us on Sunday along with her Dad, Jerry. It was so much fun. Jerry is a wonderful, down to earth guy. He is really easy to talk to and everyone seemed to be very comfortable with each other. Jay is nuts about him, which is great. It seems the three of them have dinner a lot together. Jay's puppy, Trooper, enjoyed his trip to the lake, he spent most of his time in the water.

The last few days have been kinda yucky for me. September 11th is hard for me to handle. Not only with the anniversary of the bombings in New York, but also because that is the day we buried my Dad. Two of the saddist incidents in my life, both on the same day and year. I will never be able to handle this day. Mom was sad yesterday too. She wants to talk about it and get sympathy. Me, I'd just as soon not.

Tomorrow is Bill and my 24th wedding anniversary. Hard to believe that we have been married that long. August and September are always big months for me, first my birthday then our anniversary.

I found a sketch that I really like over at and I'm going to try and do a card for my sweet friend Lottie. Her cancer is reoccurring in the fluids around her lung. Hopefully, my silly cards cheer her up. Okay, downstairs I go to create. I will post my card in a bit.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


First day of the 2009-10 school year!!! Wish me luck!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunny Monday

I woke up feeling much better but Bill is still sick. I hope and pray that he didn't wait too long before he went to the doctor. I'm really afraid that pneumonia has set in. His doc didn't do a blood test, so I worry.

Looks like I will spend the day getting ready for school. I've got a few more things to print off and I need to organize my clothes so I won't be such a wreck in the mornings. I really want to clean out the basement today but I don't think I have the energy for it, I will see.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Soggy Sick Sunday

Looks like today will be a very rainy day. On a happy note, Bill and I are feeling somewhat better. Good thing I don't start school until Tuesday. I don't think I would make it tomorrow. This is the first time Bill and I have been sick at the same time. I don't like it. I can't be nurse maid and patient at the same time. Yesterday I literally spent the entire day laying on the couch. Today I am determined to do something, not sure what, but something.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Meet the Teacher Day!

All is ready in my classroom and I will be heading out for the big "Meet the Teacher Day". This is an exciting day for most of the students but truly it is mainly for the parents. We changed our hours for the big day. Today I will be there from 11-1 so that more of the working parents can participate.

Bill is still very sick. I am pretty sure he is battling the swine flu. He doesn't have a really high fear but besides being grumpy, he has all the other ucky symptoms. I've tried since Tuesday to go to a doctor but he won't hear of it. Hopefully, things won't get worse.

I'm off to do some silly stuff before I head to school.